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Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Question 7 *Lord of the Flies*

Are there any settings in this novel which you have found to be beautiful? or disturbing? or memorable? Describe these settings and comment on why they were meaningful to you.

Most memorable settings to me were that they were staying in uninhabited island and castle. Uninhabited Island is the land that people always scared about so it makes up the thrilled mood. Uninhabited Island is that land contains 0 people in the land. Therefore, the boys were creating new world with their evil or good human natures. The boys have finally burned the island with their cruelty. These settings were not only memorable, castle was disturbing. Castle makes cloudiness mood with making them fearful.Staying in uninhabited island is also beautiful because as I mentioned before, I can make my own world with my individual character.An uninhabited island is memorable to me because it could be compared with planet Earth because Earth is also the creation that has been made by people. Therefore, setting shows that the novel Lord of the Flies has deep relationship with our real world. Earth and an uninhabited island were both, in the beginning, pure. Pure land has polluted or has changed for beautiful land. However, human nature is changing purity. Usually, those changes are polluting the land because of human’s selfish hearts. This novel made me to regret in many ways. I have regretted that I was being so rude to the earth. Earth should be protected by human who lives on the land but actually human does not feel thankful for the earth. And we do not also feel the beauty of the earth. So, from now on we should protect earth with our heated heart and we should also feel the thankful for the land that we live on.

Question 6 *Lord of the Flies*


Please choose one passage from the novel that is significant to you. Why is this passage meaningful? Please type it into one of your entries and comment on what you think about the passage.

"I've got the conch. Ralph thinks you're cowards, running away from the boar and the beast. And that's not all." This passage was meaningful to me because Piggy always says that a lot to Jack. This passage shows me that there is person who always refuses to follow rules like antagonist. Usually the writer mentions important thing in indirect ways. But in this situation, writer used Piggy's saying as a direct words. Piggy shows us the possibility that the beast would not exist. "I have got the conch." saddens me because there is rule around them but they do not even willing to follow the rule. "Ralph thinks .. " this part shows Piggy's personality very well because he says "Someone thinks" rather than "I think". The reason why I think this quote reveals Piggy’s personality is because he was weak in front of powerful person. I think "And that's not all" part suggests us that more scary and thrilling experiences will come in front of them. Therefore, it can be foresight about killing each other. The boys were cowards so they tried to avoid the Lord of the Flies and they also killed Simon and Piggy with their fear. Jack is destructive, selfish human beings who would destroy others to get what we want. But no one mentioned it before but Piggy is saying it to others. So, the author is trying to show Jack's evil nature by this quote. However, nobody has paid attention to Piggy so no one has noticed that Jack was leading the boys to dark world. This quote supports part of the theme well in direct ways.

Question 5 *Lord of the Flies*

What is the mood of this novel? Do you find this novel saddens you in any way? Why?

-The mood of this novel is dark, cloudiness and violent. Conflicts between the boys make dark and cloudiness mood because their conflicts show the dark side of the world.
-Yes. I find this novel saddens me. It makes me to regret about my bad behaviors. Momentary wrong decisions could lead our world to dark side. It also saddens me because the novel shows our feckless world very well. I felt like I am watching News about the war between Iraq and U.S. War is coming with disharmony of each nation’s opinion. Therefore, we should appreciate another’s voice and try to make them happy with your persuading. “There is not any impossible in the world.” So, understanding and caring can always make people’s harmony sound. As I have mentioned a lot before, the purity of the Earth has polluted by the human on the land. By writing this sentence, I feel pity on the people again because we are not only being rude to the thankful land Earth; we are also being violent to the God. God has created Earth for his beautiful sons and daughters. And people are saying that they believe in God. So they are even making sins and praying. God is gracious so he will always forgive us but we should not always make sinful crimes by believing that. My conclusion is that we have to care our earth with our best wishes. After I finished this novel, I prayed for the peaceful world to not become world like that in the novel.

Question 4 *Lord of the Flies*

What is the climax of this novel? What happens? How do the events of this novel make you feel?

Climax: Simon faces the beast in the forest and somehow he realizes that the Lord of the flies is not real beast and it's just fear around them. Simon uses the Lord of the flies as weapon to approach the boys but the boys thinks Simon is the Lord of the flies. Therefore, the boys kill Simon.

These events make me feel the dark side of our world. The boys have been fighting with each other and they think they are brave because they killed pig. But actually in their mind, there was fear in them. Fear between them makes them to go wrong way of their way. What I have realized about this fear is that I should act like person who I like to be because they were being so cruel to each other and I do not want to be person like that. Maybe the person who I like to be can have evil nature instead of good. However, I want to be protagonist for our world’s peaceful life. Once Simon realized that the Lord of the Flies is not real, but he could not let the boys know the truth and finally Simon has died by the boys’ cruelty. To survive and to make good world, I should make myself strong and I should make others to believe me because in hardships, I have to persuade them in right ways. After I’ve read the climax part, I also felt that I need to develop my ability to pick right choices.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Question 3 *Lord of the Flies*


Who are the main characters in the novel?

The main characters are Ralph, Jack, Simon, Piggy and Lord of the flies.
Ralph is the chief in their adventure and Jack is the other chief who againsts Ralph to be the chief. Simon is one of the followers of Ralph. Piggy represents inteligent person in our life. Lord of the flies is the creature from people's fear even though, it doesn't exist.

Do you like them?

I only like Ralph, Simon and Piggy. I do not like Jack and Lord of the flies.
The reason why I do not like Jack and Lord of the flies is because their personality or existence wasn’t essential part for our life. Their existence was disturbing for the boys’ destination.

Why or why not?

I do not like Jack and Lord of the flies because they couldn't help people and their influence disturbed people's adventure.
I like Ralph, Simon and Piggy because they participated a lot for their adventure and they
tried their best for rescue. Ralph was the chief who helped people to be rescued. Simon supported their team with his spiritual strength. Piggy also supported their team with his intellectual strength.

What is special about them?

They are special because they represent the people who live in the world.

What do they reveal about the universal human experience?

Ralph reveals champion or supporter like protagonist who wants to keep the peaceful world.
Simon reveals good person who supports leader to make good community.
Jack reveals evil man like Dr. Hwang (who lied to people for his own authority). He is antagonist so he is enemy or opponent for our world.
These sentences show us that they are just normal people in our natural world.

Question 2 *Lord of the Flies*

Are there are any current situations in the world that relate to the novel?

Yes, in the world there are lots of current situations like in the novel. Current situations are usually related with main character’s human nature.

What are they, and how do they relate?

In the world, there are people who help others, follow the law, and be peaceful. But also there are people who are destructive, selfish human beings who would destroy others to get what they want (Theme). This theme is related to Dr.Hwang's situation. He told an untruth people to get his authority so we can say he was being selfish to get what he wanted. Dr.Hwang (Hwang Woo Suk) did not follow the rule and was being rude for his own benefit. He played trick on people with animal’s life and also he said he found the new thing for the first time in the world. However, people followed him before that the truth approached us. (Similar situation with Jack) Doctors are also example of current situations in the novel because they help others to make peaceful world. Doctors who have kind nature could be considered as Ralph.

Does the novel shed any light on how current situations could be resolved or "fixed"?

I do not think the novel showed us how to fix the problems. The reason why I think that he did not show us how to solve the problems is because they could not made peaceful world before the boys have rescued by the adults. Maybe just slipping out of the troublesome situations and do not joining into those situations could be the solutions. But no one could have slipped out those dangerous, annoying, and needless situations in the novel. Following wrong choice of human nature made them to fight. However, before the save boat has come, the boys could not solve the problems. Therefore, actually there were not any solutions that the author was giving us.

Question 1 *Lord of the Flies*

What is the magior theme of this novel? Why is this theme important to a teenager living in 2007?

Golding probes the human nature in this novel--within us there are both good and evil natures. On one side, we want to help others, follow the law, and be peaceful. But on the other side, we are destructive, selfish human beings who would destroy others to get what we want. In the novel, boys land in the remote island where it is almost like the "Garden of Eden." At first, they get along very well and love the fact that there are no adults to constrict their freedom. But as time passes, the evil within us surface, and the boys turn into savages. Perhaps Golding is saying that if humans are not educated and strive to achieve order, we are inherently destructive and selfish. This theme is important to teenagers living in 2007 because if they are not careful, the dark side within them will surface and turn them into savages like the boys in the story. Golding might want to criticize about the war. The time when he has written this book is close to World War II. Therefore, I am thinking that he wanted to use this theme as way to criticize the World War II. This story is mentioning about the war and also philosophy, too. But not that deep in philosophy, the story only matches with outline of philosophy. The theme could be related to many realities in variety ways. The theme that Golding said about human’s nature like evil, good and savagery things also could be related to God’s word because he always saves us from sins.