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Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Question 4 *Lord of the Flies*

What is the climax of this novel? What happens? How do the events of this novel make you feel?

Climax: Simon faces the beast in the forest and somehow he realizes that the Lord of the flies is not real beast and it's just fear around them. Simon uses the Lord of the flies as weapon to approach the boys but the boys thinks Simon is the Lord of the flies. Therefore, the boys kill Simon.

These events make me feel the dark side of our world. The boys have been fighting with each other and they think they are brave because they killed pig. But actually in their mind, there was fear in them. Fear between them makes them to go wrong way of their way. What I have realized about this fear is that I should act like person who I like to be because they were being so cruel to each other and I do not want to be person like that. Maybe the person who I like to be can have evil nature instead of good. However, I want to be protagonist for our world’s peaceful life. Once Simon realized that the Lord of the Flies is not real, but he could not let the boys know the truth and finally Simon has died by the boys’ cruelty. To survive and to make good world, I should make myself strong and I should make others to believe me because in hardships, I have to persuade them in right ways. After I’ve read the climax part, I also felt that I need to develop my ability to pick right choices.


Stacy said...

even after i have read your comment, i am still not very convinced that the climax is when Simon faces the Lord of the Flies. It is true that the event was very important in order to know the REALITY. But I don't think that that is where things change a lot. Things do change, like Ralph being guilty and losing his mind, but that doesn't change the whole story around, and it isn't the point of excitement either. nice thoughts though :)

elise said...

Oh Hanna, you have different thought with me this time! I said that the climax is on very last part of the story. It is interesting to see other opinions. I liked you explain why is this event; knowing reality is important, with examples. But I think you didn't explain enough about why this event became climax. Yes, I see that this event is important, but why this event out of all other important events? How this important event can be climax? I wonder if you explain more about this part.

Joan Kim said...

I had a very different thought with you, Hanna. I said climax is when Ralph and Jack have a crash each other and that they argue about Piggy's glasses and the fire, which is about the end of the story. Climax is the point at which the main character makes the most important decision or realization, and where most action takes. As you said, Simon makes an important decision in here, but is it where the most actions were taken? You weren't really clear explaining why this is the climax. Anyway, I was interested in your thought and your explanation about fear between the boys.