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Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Question 1 *Lord of the Flies*

What is the magior theme of this novel? Why is this theme important to a teenager living in 2007?

Golding probes the human nature in this novel--within us there are both good and evil natures. On one side, we want to help others, follow the law, and be peaceful. But on the other side, we are destructive, selfish human beings who would destroy others to get what we want. In the novel, boys land in the remote island where it is almost like the "Garden of Eden." At first, they get along very well and love the fact that there are no adults to constrict their freedom. But as time passes, the evil within us surface, and the boys turn into savages. Perhaps Golding is saying that if humans are not educated and strive to achieve order, we are inherently destructive and selfish. This theme is important to teenagers living in 2007 because if they are not careful, the dark side within them will surface and turn them into savages like the boys in the story. Golding might want to criticize about the war. The time when he has written this book is close to World War II. Therefore, I am thinking that he wanted to use this theme as way to criticize the World War II. This story is mentioning about the war and also philosophy, too. But not that deep in philosophy, the story only matches with outline of philosophy. The theme could be related to many realities in variety ways. The theme that Golding said about human’s nature like evil, good and savagery things also could be related to God’s word because he always saves us from sins.

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