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Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Question 2 *Lord of the Flies*

Are there are any current situations in the world that relate to the novel?

Yes, in the world there are lots of current situations like in the novel. Current situations are usually related with main character’s human nature.

What are they, and how do they relate?

In the world, there are people who help others, follow the law, and be peaceful. But also there are people who are destructive, selfish human beings who would destroy others to get what they want (Theme). This theme is related to Dr.Hwang's situation. He told an untruth people to get his authority so we can say he was being selfish to get what he wanted. Dr.Hwang (Hwang Woo Suk) did not follow the rule and was being rude for his own benefit. He played trick on people with animal’s life and also he said he found the new thing for the first time in the world. However, people followed him before that the truth approached us. (Similar situation with Jack) Doctors are also example of current situations in the novel because they help others to make peaceful world. Doctors who have kind nature could be considered as Ralph.

Does the novel shed any light on how current situations could be resolved or "fixed"?

I do not think the novel showed us how to fix the problems. The reason why I think that he did not show us how to solve the problems is because they could not made peaceful world before the boys have rescued by the adults. Maybe just slipping out of the troublesome situations and do not joining into those situations could be the solutions. But no one could have slipped out those dangerous, annoying, and needless situations in the novel. Following wrong choice of human nature made them to fight. However, before the save boat has come, the boys could not solve the problems. Therefore, actually there were not any solutions that the author was giving us.

1 comment:

Richard S said...

I agree with you. The story was not fixed and resolved, because when the boys were rescued by the man in the ship. The boys were crying and told him what happened to them. The twist things about this is that the ship was a war ship that will go to a bigger war. There is no way to fix the problem. The author shows us that there is no hope for human.