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Animal Farm

Animal Farm
You want to know about Stalin's revolution?

Friday, March 16, 2007

Question 2 *Animal Farm*

-Are there are any current situations in the world that relate to the novel?

Yes, this story is the retelling version of Russian Rebellion. And I think this story can be related to Korea and U.S.A, too. Actually, this story can be applied to any story that is related to the power in the world.

-What are they, and how do they relate?

The purpose of writing this book was let people know about Russian Rebellion. So, Snowball is Trotsky who has pushed out by Stalin. And Stalin is Napoleon in this story. Boxer is one of the citizens who work hard. People like Pilkington and Mr. Jones are Germans. By this story, George Orwell has blamed Soviet Union society. This story also can be related to North Korea’s situation. In North Korea, who live with enough nutrition are only politicians or upper classes, otherwise the others are starving to death. Politicians and upper classes are people who have power only care about them. In this story, Napoleon and the other pigs have made theory like this: “All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others.” This theory is come from their selfish mind and it is similar situation as pigs’ society. If South Korea sends money or food for North Korea, then the upper classes use it for themselves, not for the poor people in their country. So, they are doing same thing as the pigs have done.

-Does the novel shed any light on how current situations could be resolved or "fixed"?

No, actually not. Because Napoleon took the steps to create new Animalism as time passes. At last, he finally has stepped on the last step for the new Animalism and it has succeeded. Therefore, there was not any resolution for the problems. Napoleon’s well planned aim has succeeded in natural mood because he advanced his plan smoothly that is not so going fast and also not so going slow. If Snowball was alive in the Animal Farm, then there might be resolution for the animals.

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