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Animal Farm

Animal Farm
You want to know about Stalin's revolution?

Friday, March 16, 2007

Question 7 *Animal Farm*

Are there any settings in this novel which you have found to be beautiful? or disturbing? or memorable? Describe these settings and comment on why they were meaningful to you.

Beds were disturbing setting. At first, animals were not allowed to sleep on the bed but later, pigs are sleeping on the beds. Also, animals could not use human’s property but pigs have changed their commandments and they used Jones’ things. Bed and human property shows us that once we get the power and control others, then we want another things from the world. As we are getting power, people’s personality becomes greedy and selfish. First, they wanted to make a fair world but the pigs wanted more comfortable and good one. Usage of beds is related to commandments’ change. Animals start to realize something is going on in pigs’ plan. So, this setting is disturbing and also meaningful. Bed’s usage sheds light on changes between minds. Windmill is meaningful setting because it forms plot and tension between people and animals. Windmill makes many conflicts. Animals are having good relationship with humans. But people ruined animals’ windmill that is made by their hard work. This part shows us betray again. At first, windmill was the cause of Snowball and Napoleon’s fight. They started fight because of the windmill problem. Windmill is also obstacle for the Snowball and the other pigs’ relationship. When the windmill has collapsed, Napoleon starts making rumors about Snowball. Napoleon says that Snowball has ruined the windmill because Snowball had make team with the other farm’s owner. But actually, it is not true at all. Windmill also uses as one step for new Animalism for pigs. Beds and Windmill are related to the theme that is about power and selfish mind that is in people.

1 comment:

Herim Grace Shin said...

Hi Hanna!
As I read your entry I thought the pigs are like people living in these days. Once people acheive what they want and find out what is good and comfortable, they only seek for good things. I pursue for good things too once I find out what is comfortable. Somepeople may not be like these people, but I think as the world changed the humans changed too. The setting that I thought and what you wrote is the same, the windmill. I think at windmill so many things happened.
Anyways I like the way you described the setting so well.
Good work=)