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Animal Farm

Animal Farm
You want to know about Stalin's revolution?

Friday, March 16, 2007

Question 4 *Animal Farm*

What is the climax of this novel? What happens? How do the events of this novel make you feel?

I think the climax is the final step Napoleon took to betray the whole Animalism and the farm. At first, animals were saying, "Four legs good, and two legs bad." but at the end of the book (climax), animals are saying, "Four legs good, and two legs better." Therefore, animal also creates lower classes and upper classes which segregates them. Napoleon has made one team with people. So, animal farm has abolished. As Napoleon formed a team, Pigs are having same reputation as human. Therefore, we could not even say which is human and which pigs are. Of course, this novel made me feel bad because at first, their purpose of making animal farm was to make better world without their owner. But at time elapses, their first purpose was gone and pigs were taking time to get their power. Like ‘Lord of the Flies’, this novel shed Russian Rebellion and also our real world between leaders. Lighting our society by showing the usage of power was the saddest part in this book. At first, the usage of pigs’ power was for all of the animals but pigs started use their power as their weapon. Pigs’ power was only to protect them. Therefore, pigs were having enough food and nutrition but the other animals were only working hard and starving to the death. And this situation was one of the steps to create new Animalism which is good for Napoleon and pigs. Climax is the result of person’s egoistic mind. Finally, person’s self-centered mind led citizens to the death or unhappiness. It shows how the egoistic mind comes to the last so, it was unhappy to read about it.

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